Monday 3 November 2008

Opinions on surgery.

Read a great post today from "Tales of the morbidly obese". It's an old post, but will always be relevant I think.

"Sometimes I wonder about the people who stumble upon this blog from comments on other blogs or just from searches. Are they just disgusted like people are in the real world by morbidly obese people? Am I somehow even less since I used surgery to escape the prison of morbid obesity?

Just I am just starting to learn what it is like to travel in a regular size body. No one can know the cumulative effects of morbid obesity without having lived it. Every day is one indignity after another. While you are suffering through those, people expect a constantly sunny disposition. You feel beholden to give them the funny, smiling fatty persona they expect.

What about you? The ones who have stumbled on this blog. Look at my before pictures and tell what you would have thought of me seeing me on the street. How does your impression change by seeing recent pictures of me? Or does it? Is the fat lot cast?"

It makes me really regret my previous post about people who get surgery to 'release themselves from the prison of morbid obesity.' At the time (and this was only a week ago), it seemed like surgery was a cheat. That somehow, by paying rather than working for the weight loss, you somehow don't deserve it. It's taken me a week of drinking nothing but milkshakes to realise that being morbidly obese is payment in itself, and anything that you do to relieve yourself from that prison is a positive step, and one that everyone should respect.

Surgery is not for me, it's not something that I ever considered, but I would like to apologise to everyone who has 'gone under the knife,' because I realise that I've been trying to disassociate myself from you. In my arrogance, I've passed judgement on other people who have been through the social ostracism, taunts, and feelings of self disgust that have plagued me for most of my life, and I have labelled them cheats because they found a way out of it.

Do other people consider me a cheat because I've chosen the relatively easy weight loss plan of a Very Low Calorie Diet instead of stomach crunches every morning? Probably. This diet is the easiest thing I've ever done - I don't have to even think about cooking or washing up, and the weight is just falling off me. It's probably considerably easier than surgery, and involves considerably less risk, money and pain.

I watched Louis Theroux last night, doing a documentary on plastic surgery in which he actually wound up getting liposuction. It was amazing to see the confidence people gained from their surgery, and the happier they were in their lives afterwards. I'm still no fan of it, but who am I to deny other fat people their chance at a happy life where people don't stare at them as they walk down the street. From now, anything that makes someone happy is just fine by me.


Anonymous said...

wow, good on you emma, its not an easy thing to change your mind on something like that. i had surgery a few years ago to lose weight and i wish more people were as easy to change the minds of as you!

good luck with the diet, youre right, it does sound easier than 6 months of surgery, post ops, bandages and therapy!

Anonymous said...

Surgery is NEVER the easy option! VLCDs can have their ups and downs, but it sounds like you've got a good one where they take care of you.

I've got 100lbs to lose, am just plucking up the courage to pick a company. Hear Lighter Life are good, or there's Cambridge of course. Never heard of Howard's Way.

Katie Steed said...

Do you know what muscleman, I honestly cannot recommend Howard's Way enough! I think they're going to have to start paying me some kind of commission soon with all the people I'm sending their way, but they have been really good to me.

Watch this space and you'll see if I make it to the end! I'll be like the VLCD guinea pig!

Anonymous said...

I saw that documentary the other day too. Can't believe he wound up getting liposuction! HE WAS SKINNY TO BEGIN WITH!!!

Katie Steed said...

does anyone know where they put the fat afterwards? Just a random thought really.

Anonymous said...

Louis Theroux kicks ass! Anyone else see the one about the guy who thought he could talk to Aleins? Funniest thing i've ever seen!

Katie Steed said...

yeah I saw that! And it had those guys who made their living selling 'anti-Alien guns' that shoot invisible rays!

Last night (he's on TV all the time at the moment) I saw him do Jimmy Saville, and it was the most intimate portrait of anyone that I think I've ever seen- he's so good at getting people to reveal more than they think they're revealing.

Katie Steed said...

Welcome rose, glad you're enjoying it!

I see from your site you're a treadmill-er! Good on you, I wish I could say I was a fan, but I have a natural fear of them brought on by not being very good at them.

However, I think there should definitely be more ways of bringing together exercise and Eastenders!