Thursday 6 November 2008

Putting it back on

Since well before I started this diet, I've known that losing the weight is the easy part. The hard part is keeping it off for the rest of your life.

The way I feel at the moment, it's almost impossible to imagine that after 12 weeks of this diet, I'll EVER put myself in a position where I'm overweight, even less dangerously obese, again.
I'm feeling so strong right now, like nothing can stop me achieving this. And I know I've only been on the diet for a 10 days or so, and I know that it's easy in the beginning because the weight comes off so fast, but having been obese for so long, and feeling so wonderful now, I feel like every time I look at that second slice of chocolate cake in the future I'll remember and I'll have that incentive to stop myself.

Because it's all about incentive. I got fat when I was depressed, and I didn't think anyone cared about how I looked. Then, once I was fat, I had no incentive to stop eating, because what did it matter - I was already fat. And that's how I became obese.

I nowhere near where I want to be yet in terms of size or appearance, but the difference in how I feel when I walk in a room now, compared with just a fortnight ago is just breathtaking, and if that carries on, then nothing is ever going to bring me down again.

...except possibly the weather. That's a bit shite.


Anonymous said...

Good Luck to you Emma. I hope you have found your magic ticket. It took me a lot of years to find mine and I am so glad I kept searching. Don't every quit trying to get better.

Katie Steed said...

wow that was fast! I posted that about a second ago!

Thanks Kim, much appreciated! Here's to staying skinny!

Anonymous said...

Emma, I just love what you have written today. You make everything sound so positive!! When I finished reading, I thought Brilliant!! Go Emma!! You are in such a good place at the moment. You are truly a breath of fresh air and an inspiration to anyone struggling with their weight.
Best wishes Lisa.

Anonymous said...

It is funny isn't it how everyone on the internet says its impossible to keep weight off once you've lost it on a VCLD.

I did Howards Way about 5 years ago, lost 3 stone and I've never looked back.

I've been fat and I've been thin, and i know which one I prefer!

Katie Steed said...

that's encouraging helen, thank you :)

Guess it's about remember how shitty it is being fat! Got to get through the next 10 weeks of course before I get to look back and start being smug and saying things like 'you'll never believe this, but I was once 15stone!'