Thursday 6 November 2008

What I learnt today in class

Well today has been frightfully exciting. I have to do little tests once a week to make sure that I'm learning all of the things that I should be learning about what is going on inside my body and why it's reacting in certain ways to certain things.

So I thought I'd share all of this fascinating information with you, my loyal readers. Some of it may be completely obvious to you, but Biology was never my strong point, so bare with me and maybe we'll all learn something! I'm going to be tested on this tomorrow, so if I've got anything drastically wrong, hopefully some genius reader will spot it.

Normally, my body breaks down foods and converts carbohydrates in to brain sugar and blood sugar (also known as glucose). This provides me with the necessary energy to wobble to work and dance around with my hairbrush etc. When I eat more than necessary, the extra glucose is stored in the liver, but when the liver is full too, the excess is converted into a condensed form for storage, which is FAT.

So when losing weight, you have to use up first your energy supply, then the glucose stored in the liver, and finally you can make a dent in the fat. As the glucose stored in the liver is stored with about 4 times its weight in water, the first week of a diet involves lots of trips to the bathroom to get rid of the liver water (as the glucose stored there is being used to run the body) and that's why you lose a lot of weight in the first week!

Did I pass?!?!?

The Howard's Way formula contains about 450 calories for a girl (think boys get about 600), so by about day 3-4 all the liver glucose has been used up, and you burn the fat instead. This is why I spend my evenings peeing in bottles- because they monitor it to see if there is glycogen left, and if there isn't, it's called KETOSIS (which is a good thing).

So there you have it. I call it "Emma's Biology 101."

Speaking of which, why do people say that? 101 I mean, why does that mean a basic level of learning? Think it's an American thing, care to enlighten me?


Anonymous said...

Hey Emma,

I've just read through all your posts..and have to say..."you go girl!!!"...this is a great idea, which will not only motivate you but I'm sure help others who are all paddling away in circles in the same boat ;-)

Congratulations on the weight loss so far....

Anonymous said...

Hi Emma,
I couldn't agree more with Saema. Not only am I reading how you have done, you are explaining how it all are doing so well.
Keep up the good work.
Best wishes

Katie Steed said...

Thanks guys! That means a lot!

I'm really enjoying being everyone's guinea pig actually, and explaining it in a blog like this helps me to make sure I actually know what I'm talking about!

Anonymous said...

yeah so the 101 thing is because that's like the basic class that you do at school. So like if I were to do first grade english or something that'd be called english 101.

Katie Steed said...

ahhh, I knew you Americans were involved somewhere!