Saturday 15 November 2008

What have I become!!!

I have officially become a smug health freak. Not entirely sure how it happened, but slowly over the past three weeks I appear to have transformed in to one of the formerly despised 'health food shoppers' who walk around Sainsbury's looking in to other people's baskets and muttering about the effects of various food products on their insides.

I found myself in Tescos today with my big bro to get officially weighed (my scales are wonderfully encouraging, but perhaps not as accurate as they might be), and actually caught myself judging other people by what they had in their trolleys! I saw a woman with crisps and chocolate, and a bunch of screaming kids who were clearly not in need of any more sugar, and tutted something about blood sugar and glucose under my breath. Then I saw another woman with nothing but a watermelon in her basket, and found myself giving her an approving smile as I passed.

So it's happened. A little knowledge is clearly a dangerous thing in my case! Reading up on what is, and what isn't good to put in my body has become something of an addiction! I've spent a lot of the day on Wikipedia and reading my Howard's Way bumpf, and being completely overwhelmed and scared about the past 20 odd years of putting just about anything in my mouth, I think I'm finally starting to figure a few things out.

I heard of this great game the other day, which I thought we could all play to make the time pass. You have to pick less than 5 items from a supermarket, and you have to make the checkout girl gasp. Simple enough? My brother's girlfriend's sister came up with one, which I think is going to be just impossible to beat:

2 items: a pregnancy test and a pack of wire clothes hangers.

Bet she got some pretty darned weird looks!

So that's today's story. I have been freaking out checkout girls whilst slowly transforming in to the sort of person who brings their own supply of microbiotic foods to parties and wont let their kids eat anything except milk. Oh wait, that's Madonna.


Anonymous said...

Well that didn't take long! Obese to health freak in how long exactly!

Katie Steed said...

Yeah, took about 3 weeks. I shall be standing outside McDonalds tutting at people before you know it!!!

Anonymous said...

That's a friggin awesome game! I'll be thinking of something, although I doubt I can top your one!