Wednesday 26 November 2008

Bad press.

Weight: 13st 12!!!!!

Went to see my Doctor today. I have to do checkups quite frequently on this diet so they can make sure I'm getting enough of everything that I need, and that I'm healthy and happy. For some reason, he refused to sign my form which states that he's happy for me to continue with the diet. He said he didn't have time to spend with someone who was just losing weight, rather than someone who had a 'genuine health concern.' This is the same man whose immortal words "one cheeseburger away from a heart attack" started this whole damned thing!!!

I'm thinner than I've been in about 5 years, I've got bundles of energy, feel just dandy and was, until he said it, happier than I've been in longer than I can remember. So why wouldn't he just sign it?!?!

I don't know what the big issue is with VLCDs anyway. People who haven't seen me for a while say "you're looking great!," but the second I start telling them how quickly I've lost it, or how easy it's been, they suck in their cheeks, look concerned and tell me "it's not healthy to lose it that quick you know."

NEWSFLASH: It's not that healthy being 220lbs at 1.50m either!

It's like just because I've found it easier than chomping down on lettuce leaves for 3 years whilst saluting the sun and going on brisk walks every weekend, doesn't mean that I'm about to collapse of malnutrition! And now it appears that my Doctor is suffering from the same misconceptions, and wants me back to do further tests.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for checking that I'm healthy. That's why I chose the Howard's Way diet over any of the other VLCDs, because they put such emphasis on health, but if I don't get the form signed and handed back to them, they'll ween me off the food until my Doctor signs it, and the last thing I want right now (and I never thought I'd hear myself say this) is normal food! I almost wish Howard's Way and the Doctor cared just that little bit less, and would just let me decide what's good for me based on how I feel.

I know that there was a lot of bad press surrounding Very Low Calorie Diets back in the day before they were properly regulated, and I know that people are scared because of all of the laughable adverts you see for 'miracle diet pills,' (or, as I like to call them, 'idiot tax') but I just wish people would respect me enough to realise that I have researched this, I do understand what's happening in my body, and I can make up my own mind. Just because I'm fat does not mean I'm a dumbass.

Anyway. Rant over. I've given the Doc all of the Howard's Way information, which I've shown to other Doctors before and they've approved, so fingers crossed I wont be back on normal food any time soon, because I'm actually kind of starting to like the shakes. The butterscotch one is not so good, but the rest are bordering on yum.


Anonymous said...

How can your Doctor refuse to sign? He allowed you on the diet? I would get really cross if I was you. You are doing absolutely fantastic!! and then a doctor starts causing problems? It doesn't make sense?
(Sorry I haven't written, but having a nightmare with my internet at home). Keep up the good work Emma. Love Lisa.

Lesley said...

They're a bunch of tossers at times! My doctor was fabbie and, on the strength of my LL experience, recommends it to others but some people in my class were reduced to tears by their GP's. Keep at 'em and you'll get there. In a way, it's probably making you more determined so they're doing you a favour.

Keep it up.

Lesley x

Katie Steed said...

Yeah, my Doctor's a bit of an arse to be honest. He's the guy who sat me down and told me I was killing myself, and then he refused to help me fix it!

I don't know, anyway, it's all been explained to him now by the fab people at Howard's Way and he's going to talk to me again and then sign or something.

Glad you had a good one Lesley, makes life so much easier! I just hope he doesn't do the same thing at 8 weeks too!

Anyway, what doesn't deter me, only makes me stronger. Right??? Right.

Lesley said...

Hi Emma. When I was doing LL the first time round and dropped the bulk (and I mean bulk) of my weight, I didn't deviate from the plan for anything (well, very tiny slip ups but definitely no meals). Now, I'm doing a refresher for 4 or 5 weeks and only have a little to get rid of, I'm willing to be a bit more relaxed if it keeps me going.

My advice would be, do NOT deviate from the plan for as long as you can possibly manage. It makes it much harder and slows you down. I'm in a very different place now than I was when I had 9 stone to shift.

Stay strong and you will get there and then the fun will really start!!

Lesley x