Sunday 16 November 2008

The pupil becomes the master

Have been overtaken by an uncontrollable urge to dance today. All day long I've been pirouetting, moonwalking and making jazz hands at opportune moments and I have no idea why!

Normally this is the result of watching Dirty Dancing/High School Musical/Other classics of the genre, but today I have no idea- I'm just absurdly happy!

Spent the day at my Mums, which is always fun. She's thinking of doing this diet too, and I ALMOST found myself doing what other people have done to me; the old "oh you don't need to lose weight" because they're too uncomfortable around the subject to offer a real opinion. I stopped myself just in time, and told her all about it (technology and Mum don't go that well together, not sure she'd be ready for the idea of reading a website just yet).

So I spent the afternoon showing off my newly acquired knowledge about fatty acids and the difference between good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates etc, feeling very superior. It was interesting for me, because if my Mum doesn't know this stuff, exactly where was I supposed to learn it from? I have no intention of turning in to some Jamie Oliver-esq hippie rushing around schools and pushing pamphlets about the power of wholegrain under people's noses, but I honestly didn't know this stuff! And if I didn't know it, no wonder I kept putting on pound after pound (although admittedly I did know that chocolate cake was bad and that didn't stop me much.)

Would I have become 6 stone overweight if I'd known all of the things I'm learning about now? Would I have paid attention if someone had tried to teach me before I had hit rock bottom? Who knows, and I'm not trying to pass the buck on to society/advertising/peer pressure or anything like that, but do you want to know what I learnt about in food technology at school?

We did one term making Christmas cakes, one term making soups, and one term making sandwiches. Seriously, I did a whole 12 weeks learning how to make sandwiches!! I honestly don't remember anyone mentioning that if I ate white bread instead of brown for the next 5 years I'd wind up on a Doctor's couch hearing the words "morbidly obese" followed by "severe coronary complications."


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the only cooking we did in my Home Economics class was making Snickerdoodle cookies! You make a good point about the lack of nutrition education in the schools.

Katie Steed said...

Snickerdoodle cookies?!?! They sound amazing! What on earth goes in one of them and does it count towards your 5 a day?

(....gonna guess probably not!)

It's silly isn't it. I mean I did know fruit good, mcdonalds bad and stuff like that, but all this stuff Howard's Way are making me read is just making me think, well no wonder I'm fat!

Lesley said...

Hey Emma

I vaguely remembered that you'd popped in to my blog before I went missing for a couple of months (part of which was me hols, honest..) but now I'm back blogging (and dieting) again so I thought I'd check you out! Almost daily posting. Very impressive Ms Bond...

Anyway, keep up the good work, you sound like you're well on your way. How much have you dropped in total so far?

Lesley x

Lesley said...

Just one question. Are you really only 24?! How come you're so sorted? I'm sure it took me years and years to acquire half the self awareness and savvy you seem to have. You youngsters are v v scary....

As I said, keep it up.

Lesley x

Katie Steed said...

Hey Lesley?
SORTED? Don't often get accused of that! Am a big blubbery mess in real life, ask anyone!

Am very proud of the (almost daily) posts though! I think it's because so much of my mind is occupied with this diet at the moment, it's all I seem to talk about anyway and people around me are finding it hard to contain their boredom! I love the blogging community, I'd never have made it this far without getting the nice messages and support :)

In answer to your question, I've lost 1.5 stone in about 3.5 weeks :D

Katie Steed said...

Have no idea why I put a ? after Lesley there! Sorry, sounds quite accusatory!

Lesley said...

Hi Emma. You pose an interesting question about replying etc. I tend to reply on the other person's blog because I figure they're more likely to look at their own blog and notice a new comment. Sometimes I reply in my next post if it's a more general question.

Glad to hear that you're not sorted after!

Lesley x

Karyn said...

Hi Emma...thanks for the nice comments on my blog.

What is Howard's Way? I've never heard of that plan.

Also, I know I have been told before, but what is the conversion from stone to pounds? I'd like to be able to understand how much you have lost.

I'll be back!

Katie Steed said...

Hey Karyn,

I replied on your blog, but incase you didn't get it I've included a link to a weight converter in my links on the right hand side of the page. It's like 14pounds to the stone if that helps?!?!