Wednesday 29 October 2008

why girls are bitches to other girls on diets

Why are girls such bitches? I'm sorry, and I don't mean to be unfair on any of my sex, but mention that you're on a diet to another girl and suddenly the talons come out and she will stop at literally nothing to put you off it.

I was feeling pretty vulnerable today. Although I wasn't expecting the 4lbs a day thing to last, I was pretty gutted when I'd actually put on weight yesterday, so I didn't have my defensive cloak of self belief that had helped me through work yesterday. I was not emotionally prepared to deal with the people sitting next to me and staging long discussions about which foods they were craving and what they were looking forward to for lunch.

Since I decided to go on this diet, I've met with some pretty mixed reactions from the people I've told. I know that Very Low Calorie Diets like this have had some pretty bad press in the past, but if one more person tells me that all my hair will fall out and that I'll be fainting every five minutes, or be left infertile, or probably be dead within a week, I shall think of some very scathing retort and say it to them with one eyebrow raised. And that will show them.

Do people not think that I've researched this? That I didn't spend weeks and weeks on the internet, reading what other people had been through and listening to medical advice before choosing this diet? I've put it down to a few reasons, which I shall now expand upon in my little list that I shall call "why girls are bitches to other girls on diets."

- Every girl likes to have a fat best friend to go shopping with/ the beach with/ have as a bridesmaid to make themselves feel better
- Every girl has tried to diet and failed, and the possibility that you might succeed is too much to bear
- Girls figure that the fatter the rest of the world is, the thinner they will look by comparison
- Girls are naturally bitchy, and this is simply an opportunity to show it.

I will undoubtedly think of more and add them to the list in the coming weeks.

Anyway, on the (vaguely) plus side, I lost 3lbs today, which makes up slightly for yesterdays little debacle, and I'm back on track. Sorry for the rant.


Anonymous said...

I know this one all too well!! In fact I lost my then best friend (7 stone herself) to me losing 4 stones... a bit good with a bit of bad. A bit of jealousy maybe???? Whatever! I am and feel a lot better for it and I learnt she really wasn't a true friend after all.

Anonymous said...

Well done, Emma!

Katie Steed said...

Wow 'anonymous,' good on you for realising who your friends are! Guess I'll be finding out soon if any of my friends are just hanging around me to look better!!!

Bet this diet means I stop getting so many invitations to be a bridesmaid!

(God girls are so transparent!)

Anonymous said...

Oh, the humanity! Girl-on-girl hating is definitely rampant. The danger is in thinking that just because another woman succeeds, it means that we can't succeed as well. But there is plenty of room for all of us in the winner's circle. Very insightful post, thanks!

Katie Steed said...

more room in the winner circle if you think about it - my arse is already half the size it was!