Saturday 25 October 2008

First day!

Today was my first real day on the Howard's Way Diet, in 12 weeks I shall be frequently mistaken for Twiggy!

I woke up early and excited- I had my first call with my locum (random thought: what is a locum exactly? I shall Wikipedia it...

"Locum, short for the Latin phrase locum tenens (lit. "place-holder," akin to lieutenant), is a person who temporarily fulfills the duties of another. For example, a Locum doctor is a doctor who works in the place of the regular doctor when that doctor is absent. These professionals are still governed by their respective regulatory bodies, despite the transient nature of their positions." that explains that one.)

I called my locum, her name is Denise and she seemed really nice and positive, set my mind at rest about a few things and got me all buoyed up and confident that I can do it. What's nice actually, is that all of the staff of this diet thing have done it themselves before- they were obese and now they're not, which helps because I have always hated it when people tell me they know how I'm feeling (normally as they show me the half pound that they put on over Christmas) but I've seen pictures of Denise when she was my size so at least I don't have the words "skinny bitch" going around in my head every time she says she knows what I'm going through!!

So first thing I did was to test my pee. That's to see how my body is functioning and responding to the treatment. I pee in a bottle (which is an art in itself) and then someone I trust (my big brother) dips a papery thing in it and records the colour it turns and fills it in on a little chart. Apparently I'm a level 5, although whether this is a good thing or a not I have no idea.

Charts help. I'm going to make loads of charts of my weight going down and all of my measurements, and then I'm going to put them into Excel and colour code them and get all excited. These are the things that make me happy. It's a sad life, but I enjoy it. I may even buy some stationary!

Anyway, had a chocolate milkshake first thing, but I added too much water and it came out a bit weird. I drank it anyway and it was ok, nothing to write home about but I can definitely live with it. Had a bunch of stuff to do today, as it was a Saturday, so I kept nice and busy and didn't think about it much, but I really didn't get hungry until lunch.

I never know how much of what I eat is hunger and how much is just plain boredom, and that's what worries me slightly about this diet. I've read enough to know that it'll stop me being hungry, and curb my cravings, but how do I stop boredom/comfort eating? I guess that's where the will power bit comes in, and there are special bars and stuff that I've been given, but if I do fail (which I wont) then that will be why (even though I wont.)

So I got me a swanky new hairdo (to go with my new figure...a little premature some might say, but I've always been an optimist), and did some errands before lunch, which was a vegetable soup thing. Not a big vegetable person, so I wasn't really expecting to love that one, and I didn't. Luckily I'm allowed to choose the flavours I want, so I'll ask them to not send any more vegetabley things.

Then I went to see High School Musical 3 with a mate. Totally rocks. Zac Efron is totally hot. We were probably the only people in there who had hit puberty, but I danced my little heart out!

Supper was a butterscotch milkshake. Mixed it right this time and it was pretty tasty. Not Ben and Jerrys, but I could happily live off them for a while! I weighed myself again. Didn't see a difference, but I put it on my chart :) I rang my locum lady as well- they check up on you a lot during the first week, I guess because it's all pretty complicated and new. Apparently I'm still not drinking enough water (drank 3 litres and spent a good half of the day running to the bathroom!), but other than that I got me a gold star. Going to bed now because I have a bit of a headache coming on, hopefully will lose some weight in the night. Bridget Jones often did.

ps. According to the advertising (which I am a sucker for), "Howard's Way is the next best thing to going to bed and waking up thin." I'll let you know tomorrow!!!!!

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