Saturday 25 October 2008

The 'F' word

Do you know what I find hilariously hilarious? The effort people take to avoid mentioning the word 'fat' in front of me- do they think I've not noticed? That perhaps just saying the word within my vicinity will shatter my self esteem?

I've been called 'large,' 'round', and my personal favourite; 'cuddly.' Think I'd rather just be called fat and have done with it! The problem is of course, that the word fat now implies just about every negative characteristic under the sun; to be fat is to be stupid, lazy and probably flatulent as well.

So I officially start my diet today. I'm very excited! I got myself weighed last night though, and it turns out that I've put on 3 pounds since I signed up! How is that even possible!!!

I thought I'd been pretty good, but it just reaffirms to me that I have not got a clue about what is healthy and what is not (although even I knew that the two McDonalds mid week were probably not good). Looking forward to just being given food and taught what to avoid in the future! I was watching 'Mock the Week' and they were laughing at the idea of kids having lessons in how to eat fruit- sounds dumb, but if they can teach me a way of making fruit more appetising than chocolate cake then I'm sold!

So I'm now 15st 10pounds, which is my official start of diet weight. In 12 weeks time I'll be a svelte 12stone 10, and then I shall conquer the world (or at least be able to keep jeans for more than a few months without them rubbing holes in the thighs). I'm aiming for 3 stone, although I do know that I'll still be overweight. I wanted to pick an amount I knew was achievable, and go from there.

I shall eat/drink my first milkshake now. Hope it doesn't taste too ick and that it fills me up. Those are my main worries, but I spoke to my locum last night and she promised that they aren't too gross and that they fill you up as well as reducing your appetite. Sounds promising, but I shall let you know! Don't go away!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no one says fat! that'd be cruel! People would much rather just snigger behind your back and make waddling gestures when they think you're not looking- /much/ more humane!