Tuesday 28 October 2008


Bit depressed today. Put on 2lbs and have no idea how.

I did everything right. I ate my milkshakes, I drank loads of water, I peed in a bottle... how can fat possibly have found its way in to my body!?!?

I even pooed today, which is something that I actually hadn't done since starting the diet. I know that no one wants to hear about my bowel movements, but I think it might be important. I hadn't been for a few days, but hadn't really noticed, what with all my trips to the bathroom for the other one. So Denise recommended Senokot, and she said it was pretty common, so I took that and I went twice so how did I put on weight!!!

And I was having such a good day too! The headaches gone, the food was mixed better and really quite palatable, and I had this amazing burst of energy mid afternoon where I was more energetic that I've been in years.

Bit depressed, but am going to solider on. They did say this might happen, but it is gutting. Ruins my whole chart!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Emma,
Don't lose heart! These things do happen and you may find you will lose a lot one week and lose nothing the next. Our bodies are weird things and I am not sure anybody really understands what goes on. All I know is, I am really enjoying reading how you are getting on and reading how your weight is going down. It is just a hick up, that will sort itself out..........well done you and look forward to hearing how you are doning over the next week.
Best wishes

Katie Steed said...

Thanks Lisa, that's really sweet. It was pretty gutting at the time, especially after 2 days of 4lbs a day, but if that had gone on for much longer I'd be see-through by now!

I'm back on track now anyway, just a hick up like you say! Bodies are weird, aren't they!