I think it's seriously awesome! I honestly never thought there was so much of a difference in the before and after shots, but I look like a completely different person and I know which one I prefer! Anyway, check it out!
Amazing right! I just keep watching it and scrolling back and forwards and watching all that weight falling off! But it got me wondering; where exactly does all that weight go? I mean, I know I 'burned it off' by only eating the amount of calories I was actually using and all of that, but what happens when it's burnt? Does it just evaporate, does it ooze out of my body in my sleep, do I (excuse the crassness) poo it all out??? I thought I understood all of this stuff, but look at that video, that's about half of my body weight that's disappeared there! Does that make me less of a person? Are there bits of flab floating around that were once attached to my butt?
I understand liposuction, because you can physically see the stuff that's coming out, but where exactly has my flab gone!?! Not that I want to sent it a postcard or anything, it's just that I was rather attached to it for a long time and I find it bizarre that I can have lost so much of myself and have no idea where it's gone!
Hope you enjoy the video :) It's not all over from me, I still have 4 weeks of 'refeeding' to ween me slowly back on to normal food, and I still have loads to learn about what to avoid and how strong I am around various 'trigger' foods, but this is the end of phase one. And from the video, I'm going to go right out there and call it an unparalleled success.
Just wanted to say a big WELL DONE
I've been reading your blog since you started..and just had to say congrats....
The vid is an XLNT idea....
Awesome video Emma, it's amazing to see how much you've lost like that!
I have no idea where it's all gone either, I'll look it up and get back to you...
Love the vid - that's cool. I'm glad I haven't got one going the other way!!
Keep it up and well done for sticking to your task for 3 months.
Lesley x
I'm SO going to do that! Great idea
WELL DONE Emma! You so deserve to be as happy as you sound!
Hmmm...!!! great work done.
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