Monday, 12 January 2009

The end is coming!!!

Do you ever get that feeling, that smugly satisfied feeling of being right about something and proving to everyone that you're stronger than they thought you were?

That feeling's been growing inside me since Christmas, because it was really Christmas when I finally knew, and not just knew, but KNEW knew, that I was going to finish this diet and lose the weight that they said I'd lose. Since I started I had a feeling that Christmas was going to be the point at which I failed, having made a valiant stab at it, and lapsed back in to old habits with a giant bowl of icecream to console me.

But it didn't happen! And for practically the first time in my life I'm a week away from actually finishing something! Because I'm not one of life's great finishers of things. Hobbies, jigsaws, academic pursuits... all started with so much enthusiasm and commitment (except the jigsaws, they're normally started with boredom and an vague attempt towards 'family time'), but all dropped within a few weeks. This time I'm one week away, and aint nothing going to stop me!

AND I'M NOT OBESE ANYMORE!!! I always said that was my goal, to be out of the scary deep red zone on the BMI chart and into the slightly less luminous orangey 'overweight'! I'm OVERWEIGHT! Big tick on goal achieved there. Party hats all around.

One week to go and I've got mixed feelings about it all. It only means the end of the program, not the end of the diet obviously, but it does mean and end to the support and I've been thinking alot recently about how much that's meant. Not just the support of the locums on the end of the phone (which I think I may have overused slightly!!!), or the support of my family, but the support of people I see everyday telling me I'm looking good or my goodness aren't I looking thin. As I wont be losing weight so fast I wont get that so much, and, ridiculously vain though I'm aware this is, I'm going to miss it.

PS. BIG DATE IS TOMORROW!!! I have my outfit all sorted out, I've been given HUGE amounts of advice from all sorts of conflicting sources and my insides turn to jelly everytime I think about it. I think I'm nearly ready!


Lesley said...

Hope it went well and can't wait for the debrief.... (!)

Well done for finishing too - I know you'll do it too.

What happens next?

Lesley x

adipex-p said...

You presented an excellent post, many thanks for your efforts and in-depth material